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Einherjar The Viking

New trials released in Einherjar – The Viking’s Blood by Appirits

Published 05/11/2012 by jimmytran

Dear players,

Einherjar has been continuously bringing you a quite number of challenges during your adventure in our game world. And in order to give you more rewards for your constant efforts, we are happy to announce a new forum event which may help you obtain many valuable items through several Einherjar trials for the whole November!

During this period, there will be 4 types of trials created for you to overcome as follows: Bronze,Silver, Gold and Platinum with respective difficulties. Each medal will give you a certain reward and can be also used to exchange with each other, i.e. 4 Bronze = 1 Silver, 4 Silver = 1 Gold, 4 Gold = 1 Platinum.

Click here for a larger image.

To join this event, you need to take screenshots as required then post them at the event’s forum topic which will be opened shortly after this announcement.


*Obtaining a Platinum medal for World Map, Territory and Inventory types will be considered as obtaining all Bronze, Silver and Gold medals of the same trial.

*For Character type, only one unit can be qualified for each medal, i.e. a unit meeting Platinum requirement will get a Platinum only and cannot have other medals.

*All screenshots must show full required information.

*A player is allowed to apply for each trial only once.

Details of the rewards are as below.

- 1 Bronze = 1 Runic Proof
- 3 Bronze = 1 weapon/armor of Damascus set (Player’s choice)
- 5 Bronze = 1 weapon/armor of Dark set (Player’s choice)
- 2 Silver = 1 Valhalla God Proof
- 4 Silver = 1 weapon/armor of Orichal set (Player’s choice)
- 5 Silver 3 Bronze 1 Gold = 1 R.Liath Fail
- 2 Gold = 1 Valkyrie or God Blood (Player’s choice)
- 2 Gold = 1 Valkyrie or God Massive (Player’s choice)
- 3 Gold = 1 Valkyrie or God Crystal
- 5 Gold = 1 Shield Crystal
- 5 Gold = 1 Elite Crystal
7 Gold = 1 Double Attack Crystal
- 7 Gold = 1 Double Magic Crystal
- 7 Gold = 1 Critical Crystal
- 1 Platinum = 1 Elf Jadeite
- 3 Platinum = 1 Hel Stone
- 3 Platinum = 1 Demihuman Skin
- 3 Platinum = 1 Destroy
- 3 Platinum = 1 Fragment of Runic
- 4 Platinum = 1 Spirit Stone
- 4 Platinum = 1 Yellow Imp Skin
- 4 Platinum = 1 Holy Light
- 5 Platinum = 1 Amenowakahiko bow
- 5 Platinum 2 Gold = 1 Stats Blood (Player’s choice)
- 5 Platinum 2 Gold = 1 Speed Up Crystal
- 5 Platinum 2 Gold = 1 Lightning Speed Crystal
- 5 Platinum 2 Gold = 1 Valkyrie Protection Crystal

Please note that we will check and give rewards during the weekly maintenance time (Wednesday) in November.

Hope you all will overcome all trials and get all rewards in this unique event of Einherjar – The Viking’s Blood.

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