We are experimenting with google automated ads for a while. At this point this is just an experiment to see how they will perform. If you find these annoying please let us know!
UPDATES - 27th April 2024:
Giftshop items are now shown on game page too
UPDATES - 22nd April 2024:
Historic Records page (Museum) , where all unlisted games are shown
Latest received vote on bmmo will make that game show on the voting page (could be changed to latest text review received, later)
UPDATES - 18th April 2024:
removed several inactive and no longer available games, still many more to review and clean
fixed the pagination at the bottom, thanks go to Cyriel from Crime Empires
All disabled games will be soon listed on a historic page. This is because many of them, some of them i even played, deserve to have some online history with their screenshots and player reviews.
UPDATES - 14th April 2024:
improvements to the article edit interface
Some articles had issues savig, some fixes have been made regarding this, but its still possible some will experience issues with this. If so, just write us to let us know.
fixed the magic button for rephrasing articles, but the generated output still has some issues and requires manual editing after auto-generation
Articles and game descriptions with less than 500 characters (but with at least 100), will be rewritten into complete articles by AI. You can write just your game or article main ideas and the AI will formulate it into an article. The original content will still be available on the same page under a new 'more info' section. This was added because many of the articles users submit lack in fomatting and content, but do have valuable information.
UPDATES - 4th January 2024:
"Remember-me" login option fixed
UPDATES - 5th December 2023:
Articles can now be html formatted and support tailwindcss styles and html. Please be advised that any attempt to abuse plain html input, will be sanctioned by immediate account removal without any warning, during the moderation stage of the article.
minor improvements to how pending articles are displayed, for more clarity
AI for writing articles has been fixed and its now formatting the output to be styled and structured properly
UPDATES - 11th November 2023:
For game owners, game menu was redesigned for better usability
You can now add your own giftshop items
UPDATES - 3rd November 2023:
Fixed look of giftshop page!
UPDATES - 24 July 2023:
Main game article / presentation now visible on the game page. For some reason, previously only the short description was shown. To edit/add a main article for your game just go to your dashboard and submit a "full description" article.
UPDATES - 20 February 2023:
Added a new section to the main page sidebar, to show recent gift shop purchases.
Started work on a new poll feature
Improvements to the admin area to help keep things running smoothly.
UPDATES - 7 February 2023:
Hundreds of old inactive games removed. This site is so ancient, and in these 15 years many listings where there but the games where not. Deleting player accounts that did not vote recently will also happen next.
Play button directly on listing pages for premium listings
New debug tools for the incentive mechanism that can help you test the incentive callback easier
There seems to be a bug with the vote count, i need to rewrite the entire vote count mechanism and reset all records at some point, still thinking if to do this or not, since its not affecting the relative ranks.
Fixed issue with some crons running multiple times
Fixed issue with premium payments not triggering premium status
Fixed issues with the unsubscribe button in emails, if you still received any emails the you shouldn't have, please help by reporting it and i will make sure it never happens again.
UPDATES - 26 January 2023:
Game pages done
Several other improvements
New AI Tools section!
fixed broken crons that spammed everyone by mistake, sorry for that :(
UPDATES - 20 January 2023:
I just realized we are celebrating 15 YEARS ! ..so in your honor, all our loyal members, here is a new, modern layout. Some things are not yet fully complete, but they will be. Your feedback is more than welcome. Check out the new AI features for article writing, and excuse the missing fancy editor for now. We continue work on the interface this week.
UPDATES - 12 January 2023:
We moved all game image content to a remote storage for faster speed and much better delivery. The upload interface was also changed a bit, but right now the demo banners are still the old ones. You can upload almost any type of images, and various sizes, and it will be ok.
Significant delays with the layout change, but the backend changes go well. Many years of ancient code are being rewritten right now, to finally update this site the way it deserves
UPDATES - 6 January 2023:
page loading speed dramatically increased
completely restructured backend, will allow faster feature updates
voting prune mechanism completely rewritten, more stable