We are cellebrating 16 Years!!!

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Premium Membership:

To have a listing that stands out among others and also have additional score each count interval, you can purchase premium membership. Its the most affordable type of advertising we offer, check it out. Premium members will also be listed on the featured games page!

Summarizing some of the advantages you get as premium member:

  • Is listed on our featured page.
  • Do-follow links for your game page and articles!
  • Additional articles you can post each months, with news, events, and anything you wish the community to know about your game.
  • Receives an action button directly from listing.
  • Get an improved appearance, attracting the attention of more players.
  • Get access to experimental AI features, such as writing your articles automatically based on a series of instructions you give to the AI engine. (This is just insane!)
  • Receives complete access to registrations tracking feature, and other cool features in your member admin area.

Featured Games:

Currently featured games (the ones having the featured flag and that appear in the featured game spot) are selected by us based on how interesting we consider them to be. This is not a paid status! Please do not insist for it as it is not a paid advertising option. You have plenty of other ways to promote your game on, lets leave "featured" for what it is. In addition, we might add new less popular games to the featured list, in order to help them grow, if we consider they are original and should receive our help to grow.


For detailed information on how to get your game listing verified please login to your account and check the [My Games] section in the upper menu. Basically what you need to do is to email us from an official email, and provide a complete listing. Additional domain verification will be required. Official games benefit from the blue checkmark indicating to everyone that they are indeed owned by the company or individual creating that game.

Gift Shop Cooperation Model:

When a registered user votes or reviews a game he/she gains gold. Those gold coins can be exchanged for items in our Gift Shop. Your game can become sponsor of our gift shop by donating any items usable in your own game such as credits, creatures, currency, credits, access, and others. The possibilities are unlimited. As a sponsor you receive multiple advantages, such as listing in our sponsors area and exposure to all the people looking to spend their gold on something new and interesting.

For detailed information of this FREE and very successful cooperation model please contact us and explain what you can sponsor. You will need all these in the form of alhpanumeric codes, one for each individual item.

Banner Ads

Direct banner advertising is intrussive and not so efficient. Full site theme ads, popups, redirects, and all that are absolutely not accesptable here. We prefer a less intrussive way of advertising, through the premium membership described above, that also offers a lot of interesting additional features to the free accounts.
However, if you insist on traditional banner advertising, we have two totally different offers. Members, that also have the verified status and are bringing constant votes to their game, benefit from a considerable discount. Other advertisers, are bluntly put not very welcome here. The prices for advertising for websites not listed here will be much higher and non negociable.

The prices vary depending on what other ads are running and what you intend to advertise. You can even get a discount if your banner fits the site perfectly :)

Expect prices ranging from 50$ to 500$/months.

We recieve a lot of sponsored article requests for casinos and other nomn browser based games. We only allow a very limited number of such articles present on the article list, and they need to be paid in advance for a longer period, such as 1-2 years. Currently, the price for such an article is 300$/year per sponsored article that is not about a member of this site, including casinos and such. Validated members benefit freely of this feature! Contact us for details.


You may contact us for any support issue, validation request, advertising or any inquiry through our contact form. We respond from monday to friday, sometimes weekends, our response time ranges between 1 and 48 hours depending on your issue or request.

G123 Japanese Games
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