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Alpha Vertikan Empire 2

Publisher: Owner not verified
Registrations: Not tracked
Review Score: 41052

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"What the heck, why are there so many posts from the same person? 90% positives are from a single person, all negatives from another :D Probably a stupid game since the creator (i think) votes for it like crazy and nobody else does :D"

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KnutFoerster January 28, 2012

Hallo Spielergemeinde, ein Spiel für alle Alters- gruppen bis 65. Es gibt tolle Freunde in der Allys.

KnutFoerster January 15, 2012

Ein tolles Spiel für alle die die fernen Welten erobern wollen

KnutFoerster January 05, 2012

Super tolles Browsergame, für alle die jeden Tag ein wenig Zeit übrig haben.

KnutFoerster November 12, 2011

Ein tolles Spiel, für alle die ein wenig Zeit finden. Tägliche Anwesenheit erforderlich. Zumindest am Anfang.

KnutFoerster November 09, 2011

Ein Spiel für den der jeden Abend ein wenig Zeit hat.

LEMI June 04, 2011

Super Game! professionel and best communications! The best game in the ineternet!

ave2 February 09, 2011

thinking game...not for shoot'em ups', I enjoy it for that fact and the interface you have with players that are on your team (this could use a little tweaking)

ave2 February 06, 2011

credit cards needed to advance beyond quest stage!
other-wise you will never be able to last in here.

ave2 January 21, 2011


ave2 January 09, 2011

this game is one of the best games that are free to play ..pretty cool

ave2 January 08, 2011

this is the site to play on not bigpoint, as here u r rewarded for playing and can advance through-out the game; where-as in bigpoint u have to pay out in cash to do anything!

ave2 January 07, 2011

it?s pretty good..after a few days i?m enjoing it even more than i thougt possible

ave2 January 05, 2011

nice game i have to say, could be better if more players would play it but it?s ok

ave2 November 02, 2010

AVE2 is a very entertaining SCI-FI browser game. It is actually fast moving, unlike most other BG's. I, give it a full 5 star rating; however, it has one problem. The translation into english can cause you some problems with gameplay.

ave2 July 24, 2010

you want play you must pay , without a great ***bag you have no chance!! there a so much lonly childs with much *** you must dobbel work for it!!

kubaf December 28, 2011

What the heck, why are there so many posts from the same person? 90% positives are from a single person, all negatives from another :D Probably a stupid game since the creator (i think) votes for it like crazy and nobody else does :D

KingPop May 24, 2011

Das Spiel ist total langweilig. Die meiste Zeit wartet man darauf, dass man wieder zu Platinium kommt. Davon bekommt man aber so wenig, dass man Wochen und Monate auf solchen Seiten wie dieser voten muss, um dann vielleicht 5 - 10 Min. weiterspielen zu können. Das Spiel ist eigentlich nur durch Kaufen von Platinium spielbar. Das wird besonders daran deutlich, dass man nur durch Kaufen leveln kann. Wer ein kostenloses Spiel sucht, der ist hier falsch. Mehere 1000 Euro sind zum Mitspielen nötig.

KingPop May 23, 2011

total langweilig keine action kein ton nichts, ausser teuer einfach nicht zu empfeheln

KingPop May 23, 2011

admin uses bots and superfleet to get all your money

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