We are cellebrating 16 Years!!!
Top most active voters

Rank Name Game Gold
90 Thomas101 Core Exiles 980
91 Rakarin Core Exiles 948
92 Zplum152 Pimp Empires 947
93 ringio1 go2goal Football Simulator 943
94 unlimited 941
95 jazz go2goal Football Simulator 919
96 polanc go2goal Football Simulator 913
97 Ryan11r Black Aftermath 912
98 daniel01 Pimp Empires 904
99 Magdalena Eternal Wars 886
100 agent Thug Battle 878
101 live-or-die Solar Empire Infinium 859
102 Mimz Mythic Reign 850
103 Akirian 848
104 others15 Mafia Returns The Game 829
105 richjcn go2goal Football Simulator 822
106 GraveyardQueen 816
107 Pablem Core Exiles 816
108 Bryan MagicDuel Openworld Adventure 815
109 Ayame Mafia Returns The Game 814
110 Byku1908 go2goal Football Simulator 807
111 Envoy Core Exiles 804
112 quwue go2goal Football Simulator 751
113 alexander20 Legends of Nyrris 736
114 msinnocent Black Aftermath 735
115 Poltergist Core Exiles 730
116 cortana2004 Solar Empire Infinium 730
117 Morgan42 Path of the Vampire 723
118 Iancrimebloc Crimebloc Round XI 713
119 kokomoon Riftforge 711

G123 Japanese Games
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