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Atlas: Horizons

Atlas: Horizons Nation Simulation Game

Published 03/07/2014 by LordCharlie
Welcome to Atlas: Horizons, the newest and most intuitive nation simulation game on the net. In this free-to-play massively multiplayer online game, you get to create your very own nation and rule it as you choose. Will you be a viscous tyrant that holds rigged elections and establishes a cult of personality around yourself, or will you be the president of a democratic nation that bases its policies on morals and integrity? In Atlas: Horizons, the choice is truly yours. What is on your geopolitical agenda? Unlike any other nation simulation game available, Atlas: Horizons has dynamic mechanics that allow many different methods of play. Take advantage of the Global Market to become an economic powerhouse that dominates everyone else in trade volume. Splurge on military equipment to forge a fighting force that will force your enemies into submission. Focus on the internal aspects of your nation, hosting election campaigns, and try to prevent those who you dislike from obtaining influence. This is nation simulation brought to a whole new level. This is revolutionary. Join Today.
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