This new game was released on the 1st of september 2018 and is already growing exponentially.
There is so much to do instead of the generic crime attack... you can farm.craft items collect item sets trade in sets . Buy multiple houses to rent sell upgrade those houses to gain further awake and much much more.
The updates are flowing through smoothly and are never ending with new ideas and concepts on breakthrough all the time.
Come join This fresh game and work your way to the top. Its aimed to be as limited pay to win (so play to win focused) as possible to aid all players.
When you join You will recieve a nice starter kit to get you going on your way and with active staff ypu can always reach someone to answer your problems.
There are currently several large updates in the process of being coded as we speak!
As i said come check us out whats the worst you may not like it and stop.. but i assure you this game has a route for everyone to enjoy.