We are cellebrating 16 Years!!!

Website changes in progress

Published 27/12/2022 by Browser MMORPG Team
This article is not updated, please visit the changelog section for updated info!

Massive plans are ongoing :D

Over the next couple of weeks, several interface changes will take place. 

We are working on a new backend to replace the current one that is ancient and obsolete.

As we make the transition live se we get feedback from you on desired changes, functionality and even concept flaws, so don't be shy to contact us if you have something useful to comment on this.

It is possible that you will experience webpage errors, or changed links that are not yet properly redirected, especially with your admin dashboard where some of the tools are not working properly. All the issues will be addressed one by one.

Several rule changes are in plan, including changes to the voting mechanism and new article placement.

If you are registered as a game owner, you will be notified by email in case you need to update voting links or make other updates to your account.

We will try to make this transition as smooth as possible, but some downtime is unavoidable.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

UPDATES -  6 January 2023:

- page loading speed dramatically increased
- completely restructured backend, will allow faster feature updates
- voting prune mechanism completely rewritten, more stable 

New frontend design in work: 30% ready..

UPDATES -  12 January 2023:

We moved all game image content to a remote storage for faster speed and much better delivery. The upload interface was also changed a bit, but right now the demo banners are still the old ones. You can upload almost any type of images, and various sizes, and it will be ok.

Significant delays with the layout change, but the backend changes go well. Many years of ancient code are being rewritten right now, to finally update this site the way it deserves

UPDATES -  20 January 2023:

I just realized we are celebrating 15 YEARS ! in your honor, all our loyal members, here is a new, modern layout. Some things are not yet fully complete, but they will be. Your feedback is more than welcome. Check out the new AI features for article writing, and excuse the missing fancy editor for now.

We continue work on the interface this week.

UPDATES -  26 January 2023:

- Game pages done
- Several other improvements.
- New AI Tools section!
- fixed broken crons that spammed everyone by mistake, sorry for that :(

On 27/12/2022 Admin wrote:
This comment is just for testing the comments system. - admin

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