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MagicDuel Openworld Adventure

Ai powered irc style commands!

Published 23/04/2023 by warventure
I want to keep the retro style of chat commands and vintage gaming, yet i want it to have a touch of modern insanity to the game, a contrast between classic and forgotten , and cutting edge and modern tech. In that spirit, i present you a couple of chat commands one could not even imagine a few years ago, back in the day when some of us where using MIRC :) (examples of actual use) /isdoing Fyrd Argentus (checks the activity of target player and tells what he's up to) /joke flying pigs (makes a joke about the given subject or player, in the context of the discussion) /mood Blackshade Rider (tries to detect the mood of a player, provided he was talking for enough time) /reply Invie (replies to target player, or to conversation) /sum (make a summary of what was recently discussed in the current location) /trade Piece of Cake for some flour (creates a sell pitch for the given item and requested pay, item needs to be in your inventory) Enjoy!
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