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Criminal Wars Updates

Published 12/12/2019 by criminalwars
We've made some major updates to Criminal Wars since our launch into version 1.0. Below is a detailed list of all of those updates. - Selling drugs now gives you dirty money that needs to be laundered. - We've fixed an issue where owning the money laundering racket wouldn't pay out the owner their cut. The amount now goes directly into the owners bank account. - Fixed an issue when busting out an NPC from prison, it wouldn't allow you to select any of the NPC's but the first one. -Fixed issue with truck heists causing players to go into a negative amount of money. We've also changed chop shops and fence, instead of now giving the money directly on-hand the money goes directly to the owners bank account. - The current bodyguard system is undergoing a major overhaul. Right now if you have purchased bodyguards, please get in contact with myself or @Gialonei and we'll refund you the money amount you spent on your bodyguards. - Fixed an issue where buying drugs would bring you into the negative amount of dirty money you spent purchasing the drugs. Changed "Launder Money" to "The Bank" on the menu. You can now withdraw and deposit your money this way as the Secret Stash has now been removed. - Bank page will now display your last 5 outgoing/incoming money transactions you've sent/received from/to players. - Big Jobs are now live and can be found under the group jobs section. These are only available for Soldier+ in families. Referrals now payout $50,000 and 3 coins when your referral reaches level 4 in game. The person you referred also receives $30,000 upon reaching level 4. Small jobs are now available for associates and up. We will be rolling out the family jobs later on today. These jobs are rank based and the family and user will both receive experience. Families will now have a level based system that resets every Sunday and the family with the highest level by Sunday at midnight will receive 5 coins to each of their family members. - We've lowered the level requirements to purchase a house to level 4. - Fixed an issue where you weren't able to purchase the upgrades for your house. - Family jobs are now live and can be found on the menu under the Group Jobs. For those of you who didn't read the announcement you can read it below. These jobs are rank based and the family and user will both receive experience. Families will now have a level based system that resets every Sunday and the family with the highest level by Sunday at midnight will receive 5 coins to each of their family members. - Businesses are now finished. You guys can now purchase these. Captains are allowed to create new businesses(up to 50) in their territory. Businesses pay out randomly every hour. You will need to collect from these or else the money can be extorted by other players. We've also fixed an issue where you weren't able to set the tax on the bank. - Captains should now be able to invite people into their families now. - Added Leave Family option for soldiers & associates. Captain and up will either need to be kicked or demoted to a soldier in order to leave a family. Families can now disband. Family underboss, consig and boss can also set the leave price for their family in the manage family page. - Made some tweaks to the auto theft page. - Made family jobs easier to complete. - Fixed issue with training bodyguards. -Fixed receiving an unopenable message when someone tried to blowup your house. - You can also now delete and empty your entire inbox now too. - You no longer need a sanctioned hit to whack a person in the streets. - Corrupt cops will now keep you out of prison.(May have missed a page or two. If we have let us know via the bug-reporting channel). - You can now whack bodyguards. This feature is still in testing to tread lightly with it. Any issues, just report it as normal. - We've made some major changes to the "becoming a made man" system. Now, in order to become a made man, the boss will send you a role-play designed story, automated by the game, depending on the choices you make in that role-play scenario, you'll be presented with the opportunity to "make your bones" by killing a specific NPC. Upon a successful whack completion on this NPC, you'll receive another role-play scenario message, upon completing that(depending on your choices again) you'll become a made man within the family. - You can now view a players location and the amount of the bodyguards they have via the “Use Informant” option on a users profile page . It costs 25,000 per use. - You should now receive a shakedown stat when shaking down another player/npc. -We’ve increased the time to workout at the gym as it was giving people stats too quickly. - Fixed an issue with beating up another player/npc it wasn’t reading your stats correctly when determining if you would succeed or fail.
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