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Deep Rift 9

Deep Rift 9

Published 12/05/2013 by DeepRift9
Its an Indie Project and right now a crowdfunding on is setup. Hopefully you like such sort of games, so take a look into it and join our adventure in doing this! Game Title: Deep Rift 9 CBT Date: Feb 2014 Genre: Online Strategy Browsergame Game Description: Deep Rift 9 is a strategy browser game set on a swamp planet far away from Earth and the Core Systems. As the commander of a corporation you set down your landing craft and start building your mining base, extracting ore that in turn can be sold, used for crafting or to upgrade your buildings. While on the planet you can explore the vast reaches of Deep Rift 9 and tread in the footsteps of alien races while you expand your corporation across the surface of the planet. Experience the hardness of life on an alien swamp planet and take strategic decisions using troops, spy-drones and battle walkers, to engage in battles and ultimately take over enemy cities. Craft, use and sell items to thousands of other players and master skills, build entire bases, venture into the wilderness and reinforce your position making alliances with other corporations. Kickstarter Profile: Website: Facebook:
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