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Dragon's Call

Dragon’s Call was “Boxed” in China for Eroticism

Published 30/07/2010 by adamskydancer
Dragon’s Call had been asked to revamp its female characters when entering rnChina. The word “box” comes up with more meanings after the heat wave of China’s rnsevere control on Chinese WOW. But no matter how difficult it was, WOW was rnfinally released to Chinese players in the form of “World of Boxcraft”. However, rnbad fortune never comes alone, a recent popular browser-based MMO with the rnsimilar theme, Dragon’s Call, encountered the same interference from the rngovernment while being operated in China. This time it was involved with a rnfiercer topic, eroticism. Luckily, the DC dev team didn’t be asked to put a box rnon each female character’s breast, instead, they have to add more clothes for rnall the sexy female characters, even in this skin-burning long hot summer rndays.rnWant to see how Dragon’s Call survived under the pressure? Want to check out rnthose weird modifications that you’ve missed? Here we go -rnChinese DC Event Entry Page -rnrn DC Event Entry Page -
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