We are cellebrating 16 Years!!!
MagicDuel Openworld Adventure

Free NFTs! NFT minting is here!

Published 16/04/2023 by warventure
Creatures that are permanently store in "Bestiaries" can now be exfiltrated out of the game, in the form of NFT tokens. These tokens are collectable, and all their rarity values can be reviewed and compared on the and markets, and other, within a few minutes of minting. You have a mint button next to your creature in the bestiary. Bestiaries you earn by completing quests and exchanging won wishpoints in the wish shop. You can review the current collection of ultra rare creatures, here: or here: The owner of the NFT token is the rightful owner of the creature, and when such a feature will be coded, you will be able to revive the nft token back in game under what account you desire. Be aware that frozen creatures that are in bestiaries do not increase their age over time. Some oif the creatures in our initial collection have like 13 years, but in fact some are from the most ancient batch dating nearly 18 years ago!!!!! (watch for the id series). We are running out of such creatures, especially the colored ones that are created yeach year in a ultra limited batch, that is NEVER restocked. Free NFTs will be given during the festival to anyone asking, be new player or ancient one. This will not be announced in game, and is considered a bonus for those that keep an eye on our announcements here, and on the facebook page. Enjoy! Muratus del Mur
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