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Galaxy Warfare

Galaxy Warfare

Published 05/03/2016 by firestream
[b]The Game:[/b] Galaxy Warfare is a grid-based space exploration and combat game. It is simple to play, but difficult to master. Players each control a ship and are free to explore a X,Y based galaxy, with planets, resources and mysteries. Players also engage in combat, form fleets, enhance their ship and systems and fight to control the galaxy. [b]The Story:[/b] Humans and Terai have long been at war. Out of the ruin of Earth came the Earth Empire, a force struggling to maintain control of the Galaxy and it's resources. The Terai, a brutal alien race continue to expand their power. An ancient civilization known as the Tularians hold the key to unlocking the secret of a great energy source, but which faction will find and control this energy and win the war?
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