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Map of the races

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Published 13/05/2012 by Buhmann

New Feature Update: Race Maps

We are excited to introduce a new feature to our platform. For some races, users will now see a map of the race. This feature is designed to provide geographical information about various races. Our goal is to eventually provide maps for all races, providing our users with comprehensive geographical information.

How does the map impact the races?

The introduction of the map feature brings a new level of realism and strategy to the races. You will now be able to see the direction of the wind for each race. This will have a direct impact on the race as the riders will experience tailwind, headwind or crosswind, depending on the direction of the current kilometer of the race.

Enhancing the user experience

We believe that this new feature will greatly enhance the user experience on our platform. By providing a map of the race, users can get a better understanding of the race terrain and how the wind direction might impact the race. We look forward to your feedback on this new feature and hope it enhances your racing experience.

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