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Mono District

Mono District

Published 28/09/2014 by jmbgaming
You jump on the train, en route to Mono District. The train departs. You hear the door open, and turn your head. A man rushes towards you, shouting "That's my newspaper, you bastard!" You yell to no avail. Quickly you take your 96G Beretta out of your pocket and pop him in the head. Suddenly, everyone on the train spins around and aims a weapon towards you. You cower in fear and sprint off the train as it gets to Mono District. You desperately search for a place to hide. A trashcan, perfect! Hidden by the continuous gang warfare, you slip into the can unnoticed. You're safe, what now? Rob a shop? Start your own business? Or just shoot the sh*t out of everybody on the street!
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