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Pimp Empires

Pimp Empires

Published 11/09/2011 by stevember
[b]Pimp Empires[/b] is an online pimp game where you become a pimp to take over the streets. With all the features of many pimp style games with many additional things to keep the game active as well as a challenge to play. You are enrolled in a game as a pimping charactor on a quest to become a rich respected Pimp Lord, with the ability to keep your hoes under control, your drink down and the respect of your fellow pimps. Pimp Game Features: Hoes, Guns, Gangs, Factories with production, Real-Time Updates, Realistic Travel, Career Rewards, Career Rankings, plus all the features in normal Pimp Games The game consist of four gangs Dead Rabbits, Brooklyn Boys, Hudson Dusters and The Ducky Boys, it is up to you to work with your fellow gang members in order to take over the streets. Over time you will build up your online pimp career as you move up through the ranks.
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