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Soul of Guardian (SOG)

Soul of Guardian(SOG) July Events Sneak Peek

Published 05/07/2012 by wsgame
Since the launch on March 16, Soul of Guardian has become a craze for countless players in the world. Recently, many new servers are released including S12. For those of you unfamiliar with SOG, it’s a new MMORPG masterpiece of 2012 featured with real-time combats. It pictures a world of fantasy with four classes of characters, a group of guardian beasts with outstanding power, various dungeons, multiple PVP, and glamorous special effects. Besides, Soul of Guardian has many interesting dungeons, such as Predatory Abyss, Cavern of Fear and Centurial Demon Den. In this July, SOG has some really cool things on the way. Check below for a sneak peek at some of the events being held this month in SoG.

     1. Cross-server Battle Feeling too powerful to find a rival? No worries, Cross-server Battle will be available soon. You will be able to challenge players from other servers. A severe war is on! Feel your heart beat between the clash of Helmet and Blades.

     2. Arena PVP Arena will be activated off the bat. Put on legend equipment, sharpen your weapons, and reveal your outstanding power and exquisite skills to the world!

     3. New Dungeons Dungeons are for the bravest players to gain extra rewards and enjoy thrilling excitement. In this July, SOG will present you with new Dungeons and gameplay.

     4. Server Merger In response to the players’ request on server merger, SOG will merge some old servers to promote a more competitive and balanced environment where communities and guilds are more alive. It’s really good news for some players who are feeling bored in the relatively quiet server.

     5. New Events As usual, they will release colorful events, such as Independence Day Celebration. Still want more details?

Visit sog [dot] wsgame [dot] com to check it out!
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