We are cellebrating 16 Years!!!
ToGra projekt ORG

Start project ORG

Published 15/01/2012 by cicio
Hello players visiting service:)

Since I added my game to the table, I have to write an article.
Well it will be a brief information about the game, which added perfectly for three years.
It is a simple game where text requires only a web browser.
At the beginning of the script was GPL, Xnova similar to OGame.
The tragedy was inefficient because the script contained a huge amount of errors, loopholes allow for fraud.
After three years of work, completely rebuilt the script of the game, uses a number of their own original solutions.
Currently it is the most developed game of this type.
Unfortunately, there is still the best in the game translations into foreign languages, therefore, ORG, a project to which I invite you:)
You can help in these translations:)

To while away the time you spent, I added a special bonus of 30 days active facilitation of the game or Officers.

Cordially invite you to play on

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