Game presentation:
Here you will be able to see many detailed information about your players, such as skills (there are 10 skills total in the game), talent, fitness, several special abilities, statistics (number of games that the player played in your clan, frags, deaths,) …etc.
Your personal clan page gives an overview of what is your team, there you can create a presentation of your own clan in HTML with most diverse information that you think it is interesting.

One of the most important and interesting parts of CSM is its Game Motor, where you can create your tactics and indicate several advance options for your team
Choose where a player moves or where it camps or synchronize your whole team so they have a perfect timing, you can also choose which weapons you want your players to buy and much … much more. Everything depends on you and you can very easy change your options. This way you will be able to create specific tactics such as Pistol Rounds, Eco Rounds …etc.

With time passing your team will get better, they will get experience throw games and they will get more skills according to the specific training they are receiving in the training rooms. Those training rooms are chosen by you.
Every morning you will be able to read the training report of your players and by that you can follow their progress.

Transference list
As soon as your clan has the economic capacity you can start giving a look to the TL and see which players are there for sell.
All you need to do is to use a simple search system where you can look for players with several different characteristics such as skills, age, talent and much more. The players are in the TL for 1 to 3 days and they will join the clan that gave the highest bid in the end of the deadline.

Every Professional clan needs a sponsor. In CSM you need to choose the most appropriate one for your clan. There are several types of sponsor some pay a % of the wages, others offer you money per each game you win…
The better your clan performs the better sponsor you will be offered. You can take a look in the sponsor level requirement list.
There are also several missions which you can try to do… those missions give you the opportunity to win Money and to improve your media rating. Missions can be winning “X” league rounds in a season or make “X” points in a season or even stay in “X” Position on the league. Keep in mind that the harder the mission is the better the prize will be but if you fail you will also loose.

Not only will the quality of your players or your tactics make clan better. You will also be able to buy several types of equipment that will improve your players such as mouses, headphones, keyboards, etc…

To manage a team alone might be a little hard. In the staff section you can find specialized people to help you manage your clan. Trainers will help your players evolving faster. PR-Managers will help you attract more people to watch your games so that you will win more money.
You will also be able to hire a scout which will search for future stars. There are also Doctors that allow you to heal your player when he is injured. Doctors also allow you to analyze a players potential and with them you can also create special weapon icons that will boost your player skills with that weapon.

You can also use CSM forums in which you can find many interesting debates about CSM world. Each nation has their own national topic but there are also international ones shared by all nations.

This is probably the best feature in CSM. Here you will be able to see your games in a 2D motor that way you can analyze better your players and tactics. You will also be able to save your games in a demo which will allow you to share them or just in case you want to review them later.
CS-Manager Tutorial