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Published 14/01/2013 by devlings
Devlings is a complex strategy war game where you play with the little demons that affect your daily life. We are surrounded by demons. Wherever we look, there is a little devil messing things up. Lately, because of the financial crisis, their number increased. You can find them in Parliament, Government or courtrooms. Did you not know why they aren't jobs anymore? It's their fault. The small and wicked devils are those who increase your bills. Some of us have learned how to find them and control them. It's not too hard. So, let us do good and capture those little devils who stick their tail everywhere! FEATURES: - Multiplayer startegy game - May become addictive - You may win Artefacts, Potions, Items, Clothing, Legendary Cars and more - Buildings - Alliances - Powerful In game Chat - Funny story - Free to Play INSTRUCTIONS Your goal is to capture as many little devils as you can. To be number one, to get to heaven! You can obtain them in two ways: through your everyday life, in your beautiful country, or, in a second way, by stealing them from other players. Production The house where you live produces devlings every hour. The bigger the house, the more little devils you'll have (well, how many devlish feelings do you have when bills come, or when you have to obtain permits from City Hall for every little thing you have to add to your home?). In addition, if you buy a car and a garage, you will produce more devlings. But, you need money to do this,of course. Money you take by renting a room or two from your house, or by renting your car(maybe take people hitchhiking), but above all, by starting an exchange office business or a factory. So, you need a balanced strategy. Invest in buildings that make you money, to have resources that allows investing in buildings producing many devlings. Fights Who said you can not take the devligns from others? You just need some priests who control the little devils and there's an army! You can attack anyone in the game, if you send at least a priest. But keep in mind that priests have a very high power and, if you have many priests in your army, you can capture more of the enemy's devlings! Also, priests are of great importance to defense. A priest protects 100 devlings. So if someone attacks you and you lose, and after the battle, you remain with 10 priests, you will be sure to keep at least 1.000 of your devlings. So, great care with the priests! If you have public attacks, you can attack public institutions, where you can get artifacts and potions. Also, each player levels up depending on the game experience he accumulated. Experience can increase after each battle you take part of. The level gives the player a bonus for production and battle power. --- FUNNY STORY We are all surrounded by devlings. Wherever we look, there is a little devil messing things up. Lately, since the financial crisis, their number increased. There are so many little devils now, that even God is very very upset. It was enough for Him to make an earthly trip to a church, in some country, some time ago, to check on humans. He spent ten hours in traffic. "Enough!", God thundered. "It is too much! I have never seen a country more full of little devils as this one. It's time to do something. It's time to get rid of theese devlings", the Creator said, after which he spoke to the people: "He who catches most devlings, will assure a place in heaven! Get those devlings!" And just like that, humans started to look for and catch the little devils!
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