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Light of Nova

Light of Nova

Published 01/08/2012 by Joyfort
LIGHT OF NOVA – THE FIRST INTERSTELLAR EXPLORATION The time has come! Painstaking research, exhaustive development, and intervention from the all-seeing Masters have finally allowed us to release "LIGHT OF NOVA" Joyfort's blockbuster, the epic MMORTS (massively multiplayer online real- time strategy) is available to the passionate science fiction lovers EVERYWHERE! Complex political intrigues, electrifying battles, with truly stunning graphics/sound combine to stunning success and the absolute AWESOME people at Joyfort makes this experience available, FREE Become a believer! The story goes like this: After thousands of years spent colonizing the stars, humankind still struggles with supremacy issues among clans. As commander of the space fleet, you will guide your forces in the goal of reuniting the sentient life in the universe. The second Star War has cast the embattled forces as . Common people are forced to struggle just sustaining life, while the four faction’s battle ceaselessly over who will rule them all. The Antu Empire, Ise Consortium, Pluto Warship and Pioneer Alliances have formed, and cannot stand as one in the face of the greatest threat ever known. The Arcahns, poised to sweep the Milky Way galaxy, hidden within the bones of an ancient starship, and as the Hero of the saga, you will have an ever increasing set of challenges and battles to tame them. Your choices will determine the outcomes of each goal, on your way to the ultimate End Game. With a universe full nuance, you will be touring the stars with the most unique viewpoint possible. Explore exciting planets, hop into a wormhole and find yourself in an entirely new universe. Finding life, and evidence of life from hundreds of thousands of years in the past. Ancient cities buried in the debris of time will yield up clues to the origins of Mankind. Stunning graphics, amazing storylines, combine to make this the most VIRAL role playing game you can find. Work with your friends, or against them to see whose strategies will keep the universe free of the invaders might. Complete missions to edge closer to the enemy, and gain status among the Mortar’s as the leader that can get them THERE! Nova is the brainchild of Joyfort, compelling, innovative and just plain awesome. Join us there, Earth People! GAME FEATURES War & Massively Multiplayer Wars and battles occur on different stars in the boundless universe in Light of Nova. Compared to traditional real-time strategy games, Light of Nova is not only a massively multiplayer game which can hold thousands of players online at the same time, but it also focuses on the player-versus-player conflicts among different alliances (guilds), which will lead to a fresh and more exciting gaming experience. Fantastic Storyline & Rewards What is “ascend”? Where did the Omahar go? Finding out by playing Light of Nova now! With a story of more than 1,000,000 words, Light of Nova tells a tale of how an average person grows to be a legend of the era. What’s more, along with the legendary adventure, you will receive fantastic rewards, which will enable you to extend your power in the universe. Epic War System Hammer, Long Bow, Mammoth, and Aegis are all Flagships with cutting-edge technologies. But the other small space fighters have their strengths too. No matter what kind of battle units you organize, warfare in Light of Nova will always test your abilities. Only the most experienced warriors can survive in the fierce player-versus-player and player-versus-environment battles. Are you one of them? Endless Adventure Thousands of planets have countless stories. Some of them are surprising. Some are frightening. All are incredibly entertaining. Start your adventure in Light of Nova and become a part of the epic saga. If you're resourceful, if you possess the powers of strategic thinking, and finally if you're powerful enough, you will prevail and become a legend. Game website>> Facebook Fan Page >> Follow us on Twitter >> Game Trailer >>
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