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Chronicles of Merlin

The Chronicles of Merlin Announces a Plethora of Updates

Published 24/10/2011 by david87725

The month of October is an exciting month for Chronicles of Merlin, starting off with the launch of the Chronicles of Merlin App for the iOS. They have now created a new Facebook page and are getting ready for version 1.25. For those unfamiliar, Chronicles of Merlin is a free RTS-RPG MMO where players are caught by a ‘rift in time’ created by the Great Wizard of Merlin. Players fight and use European Heroes both real and fictional to conquer the map. You can create your account here.

Perhaps the most exciting information we received is about version 1.25. All the details have not been given out but we know for sure that they are going to be changing the user interfaces and tips to become more user friendly. They have been also working on new Castle Avatars. Now players will be able to change the look of their castles. We have not seen any of the artwork but we hear that some animated ones are in the works, such as snow.


Also, in a surprising change CoM has decided to revamp their Facebook page. They are now working on a new Facebook Fans Page and giving out some hefty rewards for becoming a part of it as well.

All in all it looks to be an exciting month from Chronicles of Merlin. Since their launch they have hit the ground running. We can only hope that their pace does not slow down!

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