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Chronicles of Merlin

The World of Merlin Comes Alive

Published 10/11/2011 by david87725


Chronicles of Merlin is one of the latest games by Koram Games, a popular online gaming company. It currently has 13 Servers and hundreds of thousands of players from across the world. They are planning on opening up a new server on November 9th and have released a new Facebook page.


The storyline involves a rift in time that the famous magician Merlin has created. In this rift are historical European Heroes that are there to test yourself against. These heroes range from Robin Hood to Vlad the Impaler. The game combines city buildings with strategy as you work your way both through your kingdom and through the campaigns.  Once you defeat one of these heroes you are able to use them for yourself against both players and non-players.


Speaking of players, this game contains both single PVP and massive PVP. Single as you go off on your own, attacking citizens of other countries or fighting over farms, mines, and conquering other players. In terms of massive PVP there are all out server PVP in Mine Wars as players fight to gain Silver, large scale team PVP including Alliance Battles where Alliances fight over plantations, or Regional Wars where they fight over cities.


The strategy of this game is immense, you have Heroes, Formations, Gear, Enlightenment, Research (abilities) that are all combined to find the best strategy to defeat your opponent. It is not always the best gear or the best Hero that wins out, many times it depends on the formation and the combination of things. In this game there are 3 kingdoms, all of which come with their own cities and set of heroes.


In terms of graphics and upgrades this game is on the move. It already has clean and crisp graphics, and updates seem to doing great. Since opening they have introduced a ranking system, a King System, many new Heroes, stages, and much much more. I think it shows this game is sure to be going strong for a while and worth checking out!

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