We are cellebrating 16 Years!!!
Core Exiles

March Dates to Remember

Published 09/03/2016 by coops
It's March! - Don't look at me like that, it's not my fault :)

With it being March I figured I'd pre-book some dates with you to get you forewarned about some CE events & Festive Fun :)

St Patrick Festivities 14th - 20th
Help us celebrate St Patrick's day with a weeks long collection and hand in session. Events will be rolled out for the period and we will be handing out St Patrick's goodies as well. This one will have a short period of activity so keep your eyes on the forums and game announcements for where to be and what to do!

Easter Celebrations 20th - 31st
Easter Falls on the 28th this month so we are having an extended Easter period. Lots of give-aways, competitions to enter and prizes to win! Again keep your eyes on the forums and game announcements for where to be and what to do!

You can bet your last credits that there will be an Easter Egg collection / Hand in so look out for it and take part this year we will be adding some nifty prizes to the pot, but you have to take part!

Come visit us

Have fun folks!

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