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Published 21/03/2024 by CrimeEmpires

Exciting Game Updates: Boss Mansion Levels and More

1. New Boss Mansion Levels

We are thrilled to announce that three new levels have been added to the Boss Mansion. These levels are designed to challenge your bosses and provide an exciting gaming experience. Get ready to take your bosses to new heights!

2. Adjustments to RP for Boss Mansion Level 32

In our continuous effort to balance the game and ensure fairness, we have decreased the RP (Reward Points) for Boss Mansion Level 32. This adjustment is aimed at maintaining a balanced and competitive gaming environment.

3. Increased Activity Meter Research Points Reward

We are happy to announce that we have increased the research points reward for the activity meter. This adjustment will allow players to earn more points and progress faster in the game. Keep playing and keep earning!

4. Decreased Waiting Times on Several Locations

We have also made adjustments to decrease waiting times at several locations in the game. This change is aimed at enhancing the gaming experience and maintaining the pace of the game. Now, you can enjoy faster gameplay and less waiting time!

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