We are cellebrating 16 Years!!!
Loreaon Online Mech Warfare

1 Year Anniversary!

Published 06/03/2012 by Loreaon
On March 1st, 2012, Loreaon celebrated its one year anniversary! At around 2PM, March 1st, 2011, we launched Loreaon into the online world.

It has been a great year, where we have seen Loreaon evolve from a pretty good game, to an awesome one. And we have no one else to thank, but you the players.

Your ideas, suggestions, bug reports, and passion, have allowed us to build a bigger, and better Loreaon.

We look forward to the new year here, with new features and tweaking. Who knows what else is in store?

Thank you all for your continued support. And if you the reader are not yet a part of Loreaon, join now!
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