We are cellebrating 16 Years!!!

Features And Updates

Latest articles and announcements (2025), submitted by the game creators themselves.
27-12-2012The Firm is pleased to announce the availability of a new language pack.The update will occur end of December, 2012.UTOF V2 is the next major update of the game. PVP will provide to gamer new possibilities. Do not hesitate to visit us and to comment. Thank you.Univ [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by miraur is a text-based browser game that takes the european nations of our time back to the past in a medieval place called Mediaevalia. Everybody is invited in the medieval adventure of a virtual lifetime, in a place where you can become a member of a guild or a military order, a mayor of [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by msinnocent
Black Aftermath now has five different items available in the gift shop of Browser MMORPG! Use your gold points to obtain one of these cool items. [more]

As time goes on, the approach time of Chrono Tales Closed Beta is near. Ray Media already received approximately ten thousand emails registration from players asking for CBT Code. If gamers do not want to miss out, visit its Email Submit Page to get qualification.   In Chrono Tales, t [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by mastro
Soon Religion Phase II release will be released. The following features will be added:Bishop and Cardinals (and other Religions correspondent roles) will be able to admonish playersReligious Leaders will be able to excommunicate playersIt will be possible to transfer Faith Points to child Religious [more]

Tokyo, Japan – 3 October 2012 – After collecting players’ comments about whether archer units can use daggers on battlefield in Einherjar – The Viking’s Blood, the Japanese game’s developer Appirits has decided to realize this long-awaited feature on 3 October 2012 (SGT or GMT+8).However [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by DuncanConroy
Until now in Xatrium, only human players fought for the treasured energy mineral "Xatrium" what gives the game its name. The matches full of action are now enhanced by individual acting computer players, who behave nearly like human players. Different to buildup- and quest-based games, realtime MMOs [more]

In order to facilitate the organization of friendly tournaments mades by users, we introduced the option "cup rules" that helps prevent the friendly ends in a draw, like a cup game....and the translation of Foosball Manager in Portuguese is under construction, thanks to the player Pedra de Baixo! [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by wolfe
Hundreds of quests and more added every month! [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by simsportsworld
Animated Basketball hits We have completely rewritten our basketball simulation from scratch moving from a text based simulation, to a full blown animated, watchable basketball simulation, complete with audio, and up to 60 frame per second animation.  Our new structure for [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by Loreaon
Check out the new Loreaon Blog! [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by FoosMan
Just added the Playoff and the Playout  so as to involve more players in the fight for the glory... or into the nightmare of the relegation!Foosball Manager [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by FoosMan
We've added a brand new 2D (full HTML, no flash needed) match viewer, so now you can see exactely what happens during the match, see what your players do and where the ball bounces. [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by simsportsworld
VIP store system is now out and has the first of many perks you can attain from supporting the game!  for more information. [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by MonsterMMORPG
Dear gamer, I hope you're fine. On behalf of Monster MMORPG, I would like to present to you A New Spin On Pokemon, complete with Original Monsters and a true MMORPG-Feel. This game is guaranteed free to play, forever. It isn't a fan made game, so rest assured that it's different from Pokemon in [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by Astonias
Welcome Emperors and Futur emperors on Aerilon Universe!A brand new feature will be integrated ingame at the beginning of next month: Quests !In order to activate a quest, you will need to explore uninhabited planets and then simply follow the will either have to defeat big armies, big f [more]

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Posted on in Features and Updates by Admin
Dear BrowserMMORPG members, we are proud to announce that the gold shop is finally up. Each time you vote for your favorite game you receive one gold unit. You can spend this gold for different items that you can pick from the new Gold Shop page. The sponsoring games were so kind to provide us [more]

The month of October is an exciting month for Chronicles of Merlin, starting off with the launch of the Chronicles of Merlin App for the iOS. They have now created a new Facebook page and are getting ready for version 1.25. For those unfamiliar, Chronicles of Merlin is a free RTS-RPG MMO where p [more]

Posted on in Features and Updates by woa
In keeping with developer policies to have regular content/code updates and enhancements, Avalon has been updated to include a new quest titled "Delinquent Duo". In addition to this the battle system has been updated further with features not present in any other MMORPGs. These updates are in additi [more]

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Posted on in Features and Updates by Admin
The toplist on our homepage will show from now on a list with the recently voted games. That means, any game that received a vote will be instantly pushed up the list. Votes comming from registered playes will push any game on top of the list, while votes from unregistered players will push a game o [more]

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